Are Digital Nomad Visas Kind of Useless?

Huh? You're probably wondering what's going on with this headline. Digital nomad visas… useless? What? Isn't Wayviator dot com the digital nomad and remote work cheerleader site? Well, yeah! But let me explain...

Huh? You're probably wondering what's going on with this headline. Digital nomad visas… useless? What?

Isn't Wayviator dot com the digital nomad and remote work cheerleader site? Well, yeah! But let me explain...

This week, we are switching up the format. If you have been reading for the last few weekly newsletters you may have been pleasantly lulled into our recurring format. We cover some news stories, we provide a nice travelogue, and then we call it a weekend.

But this weekend I'm FLIPPING THE SCRIPT — I want to cover just one topic, which I started thinking about after I had a conversation on Twitter about digital nomad visas with Gonçalo Hall, a remote work evangelist and CEO of NOMADX.

I won’t leave you in suspense on the payoff to the setup of the first headline... the topic of our Twitter conversation was whether digital nomad visas, or more specifically “remote work visas” were useless.

Here’s the Tweet that started it all:

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