Jan 8, 2022 2 min read

Details on the new Digital Nomad Visa in Croatia

Knockout beaches with crystal clear water, rich cultural life, and fantastic climate – there is no doubt visiting Croatia will be an adventure, whether it is for a week or even months. Work from the famed locations Game of Thrones was shot at, discover its many beautiful islands

Knockout beaches with crystal clear water, rich cultural life, and fantastic climate – there is no doubt visiting Croatia will be an adventure, whether it is for a week or even months. Work from the famed locations Game of Thrones was shot, discover its many beautiful islands and gorgeous waterfalls and, of course, treat yourself to Croatia's yummy food.

Recently, the Croatian Digital Nomad Visa has received a lot of attention since it offers a low-cost option for those who wish to enjoy the European way of life. In the last months, the country has worked out the legislation, and now, those interested may apply for a visa in Croatia or through Croatian consulates and embassies.

Practically, the digital nomad visa is more like a residence permit that allows remote workers and freelancers to live in the beautiful country for up to 12 months. To apply for the permit, you must:

  • Show that you are a third-country national.
  • Work at a company that is registered abroad.
  • Not work directly in Croatia (with this visa, it is permitted to provide services for employers in the country).
  • Have a monthly income of at least 16,907,70 (which is about 2,250 euros). If you are staying with a family member, your income must be 676,30 kuna more. Those who don't have a regular monthly income can also show proof of their funds. Then you should have at least 202.890,00 kuna in your account (around 27,000 euros).
  • Have health insurance for the entire term of your stay.
  • Showcase several documents, including proof of funds, a marriage certificate (if you are married), a background check from your home country, and others.

If you decide to apply for the permit at the Croatian embassy abroad, keep in mind the fees will be higher – around 157 euros. Those who apply for the permit in Croatia should put aside about 107 euros. The permit is offered for a maximum of 1 year. Those who wish to reapply may do so after 6 months of being away.

Benefits of being a digital nomad in Croatia:

  • With a digital nomad residence permit, you are not subject to any income tax within Croatia.
  • The weather is wonderful with a high number of days of sunshine every year.
  • Free WIFI all around the country
  • For a single person, monthly costs are about $716 without rent, which is, on average, around 23% less than in the United States.

Although Croatia is famed for its incredible nature, including stunning national parks, mesmerizing beaches, and waterfalls, it remains a hidden gem of Europe (and therefore such an attractive destination). So get yourself a digital nomad visa and see what life is like in the fascinating country!

Curtis Duggan
Curtis Duggan
Curtis is a serial tech entrepreneur, content creator and the host of the Remotely Serious podcast on the future of remote work and digital nomadism.
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