Dubai vs. Singapore — which world city is best for you?

Dubai vs. Singapore — which world city is best for you?

Choosing between Dubai and Singapore can be tough. Both cities are amazing for expats, entrepreneurs, and global businesses. They offer modern infrastructure, business-friendly policies, and a cosmopolitan lifestyle. But each city has its own unique charm and benefits, making it essential to consider what matters most to you.

Key Takeaways

  • Singapore is great for those who value stability, transparency, and easy access to Asian markets.
  • Dubai offers a luxurious, tax-free lifestyle with plenty of sunshine and a mix of desert and beach environments.
  • Both cities have modern infrastructure and are top choices for expats and global businesses.
  • Your choice between the two will depend on personal goals and priorities, as each city has its own pros and cons.
  • You don't have to choose just one city; living in both is an option if your lifestyle and work allow it.

Lifestyle Comparison: Dubai vs. Singapore

Cultural Attractions

Both Dubai and Singapore offer a rich tapestry of cultural attractions. In Dubai, you can explore the modern marvels like the Burj Khalifa and traditional souks. Singapore, on the other hand, is known for its blend of cultures, showcased in places like Chinatown and Little India. Each city provides a unique cultural experience that reflects its history and diversity.

Nightlife and Entertainment

When it comes to nightlife, Dubai is known for its luxurious clubs and vibrant party scene. Expats and tourists alike can enjoy a wide range of entertainment options, from beach clubs to rooftop bars. Singapore's nightlife is equally exciting but offers a more diverse range of activities, including night safaris and waterfront dining. Both cities ensure that there's never a dull moment after the sun sets.

Dining and Cuisine

Food lovers will find both cities to be culinary paradises. Dubai offers a mix of international cuisines, with a particular emphasis on Middle Eastern flavors. Singapore is famous for its hawker centers, where you can sample a variety of Asian dishes at affordable prices. Whether you prefer fine dining or street food, both cities cater to all tastes and budgets.

While Dubai and Singapore share some similarities on the surface, they each have unique characteristics that may make one more suitable than the other depending on an individual’s priorities and goals.

In summary, both Dubai and Singapore promise a high quality of life with their unique cultural attractions, vibrant nightlife, and diverse dining options. Your choice between the two will depend on what aspects of lifestyle you prioritize most.

Cost of Living in Dubai and Singapore

Housing and Real Estate

Both cities are known for their high housing costs. However, the cost of living in Dubai is 22% less expensive than in Singapore. For instance, the monthly average expenditure is $1,899 in Dubai compared to $2,433 in Singapore. Renting a place in Singapore will cost about $8,073, while in Dubai, it will be around 6,799 S$.

Daily Expenses

Consumer prices are generally 15-30% higher in Singapore than in Dubai. Groceries and restaurant prices are more comparable, but restaurants in Dubai cost 7.8% more than in Singapore. On the other hand, shopping for groceries in Dubai can save you 37.5%. To maintain the same standard of living, one would need to spend 10,000 USD in Singapore but only 8,300 USD in Dubai.

Transportation Costs

The average daily cost per person in Dubai is $248, while in Singapore, it is $153. These costs include accommodation, food, transportation, and entertainment. While every person is different, these costs are an average of past travelers in each destination.

Business Environment: Dubai vs. Singapore

Ease of Doing Business

Both Dubai and Singapore are known for their business-friendly policies. Dubai has topped the global list of cities for the most "greenfield" foreign direct investment for the third year running. Singapore, on the other hand, is often praised for its efficient bureaucracy and ease of setting up a business. Entrepreneurs will find streamlined processes in both cities, but the choice may come down to regional preferences and market access.

Tax Policies

Dubai offers a very attractive tax environment with no personal income tax and a low corporate tax rate. Singapore also has competitive tax rates, though they are slightly higher than Dubai's. However, Singapore provides various tax incentives and rebates that can benefit businesses in the long run. Here's a quick comparison:

Aspect Dubai Singapore
Personal Income Tax None Progressive
Corporate Tax Rate Low Competitive
Tax Incentives Limited Extensive

Access to Markets

Singapore is strategically located in Southeast Asia, making it a gateway to South Asia and East Asia. Dubai, situated in the UAE, offers easy access to the Middle East and North Africa. Both cities serve as major hubs for international trade, but the best choice depends on your target market. If your business aims to penetrate Asian markets, Singapore might be more suitable. Conversely, Dubai is ideal for reaching markets in the Middle East and Africa.

Choosing between Dubai and Singapore for your business can be challenging, but understanding their unique advantages can help you make an informed decision.

Climate and Geography

a view of a city at night from across the water

Weather Patterns

Dubai has a year-round hot climate. Summers can be extremely intense, with temperatures often reaching 45°C. The coldest month, January, still averages around 20°C. Rain is rare, with the most rainfall occurring in January, averaging just 17mm.

Singapore, on the other hand, has a tropical climate. It's hot, humid, and rainy throughout the year. November is the wettest month, with an average rainfall of 252mm. April is typically the hottest month, with temperatures around 33°C.

Natural Attractions

Dubai's desert landscape offers unique attractions like sand dunes and year-round beach destinations. The city is known for its modern architecture and artificial islands.

Singapore, being an island city-state, boasts lush greenery and numerous parks. The city is famous for its Gardens by the Bay and the Singapore Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Urban Layout

Dubai is known for its sprawling urban layout, with towering skyscrapers and vast highways. The city is designed for car travel, with wide roads and ample parking.

Singapore's urban layout is more compact and efficient. The city is well-planned, with a focus on public transportation and pedestrian-friendly areas. The efficient layout makes it easy to navigate and reduces travel time within the city.

Quality of Life in Dubai and Singapore

body of water near high-rise buildings

Safety and Security

Both Dubai and Singapore are known for their low crime rates and high levels of safety. Streets in both cities are clean and well-maintained, making them some of the safest places to live. However, Singapore has a slight edge due to its extensive surveillance system and strict laws.

Healthcare Systems

Healthcare in both cities is top-notch, with modern facilities and highly trained professionals. In Dubai, residents have access to a mix of public and private healthcare options. Singapore, on the other hand, is renowned for its efficient and high-quality public healthcare system. The water quality in Singapore is also notably high, contributing to overall public health.

Education and Schools

Education is a priority in both cities, with numerous international schools and high educational standards. Dubai offers a variety of curriculums, including British, American, and International Baccalaureate. Singapore is famous for its rigorous education system and excellent public schools. The emphasis on education in both cities ensures that families have access to quality schooling options.

While both cities offer a high quality of life, the choice between Dubai and Singapore may come down to personal preferences and priorities.

Public Services and Infrastructure

aerial view photo of high-rise buildings

Public Transportation

Singapore boasts one of the best public transportation systems in the world, second only to Hong Kong. The MRT (Mass Transit Railway) is the backbone of Singapore’s railway system, offering unrivaled affordability, superb efficiency, incredible comfort, and great infrastructure. Additionally, the city has an extensive and reasonably priced bus service, making commuting convenient for everyone.

Dubai, on the other hand, has a rapidly developing public transportation network. The Dubai Metro is modern and efficient, and the city also offers a variety of bus routes and water taxis. However, the reliance on cars remains high due to the city's sprawling layout.

Utilities and Services

In Singapore, the government's commitment to sustainability and green living is evident in its urban planning. The city is adorned with parks, gardens, and green buildings, earning it the nickname "City in a Garden." This commitment to a clean and green environment enhances the quality of life for its residents, offering a breath of fresh air amidst the urban landscape.

Dubai also focuses on providing high-quality utilities and services. The city has invested heavily in its infrastructure to ensure reliable electricity, water, and waste management services. However, the extreme climate can sometimes strain these resources.

Technological Advancements

Singapore is a global leader in technological advancements. The city-state has embraced smart city initiatives, integrating technology into everyday life to improve efficiency and convenience. From smart traffic management systems to digital government services, Singapore is at the forefront of innovation.

Dubai is not far behind, with ambitious plans to become a smart city. The city has launched various initiatives to incorporate technology into public services, such as smart parking and digital government portals. While still in the development phase, Dubai's commitment to technological advancement is evident.

Both cities are making significant strides in public services and infrastructure, each with its unique strengths and challenges.

Expat Community and Social Life

white and brown city buildings during daytime

Networking Opportunities

Living as an expat in Dubai can be a one-of-a-kind and energizing experience. Dubai is a powerful city known for its cutting-edge foundation and diverse populace. Networking opportunities are abundant, with numerous events and meetups tailored for expatriates. In Singapore, the expat community is equally vibrant, with many professional groups and social clubs that facilitate connections.

Community Support

Both cities offer extensive community support for expatriates. Dubai has a variety of online forums and local groups where expats can seek advice and share experiences. Singapore also boasts a strong support network, with many resources available to help newcomers settle in. The sense of community in both cities helps expats feel at home quickly.

Cultural Integration

Cultural integration varies between the two cities. In Dubai, the local culture and traditions are not as integrated into daily expat life as in Singapore. Some may find Singapore’s culture a bit more conservative and restrained compared to Dubai’s flashier, more indulgent vibe. However, both cities offer a unique blend of cultural experiences that enrich the expat lifestyle.


In the end, whether you choose Dubai or Singapore depends on what you value most. If you want a place with great public transportation, a relaxed vibe, and a mix of cultures, Singapore might be the best fit for you. On the other hand, if you're looking for high salaries, low crime rates, and a tax-free lifestyle, Dubai could be your ideal choice. Both cities have their own unique charm and advantages, making them top picks for expats and businesses alike. The good news is, you don't have to pick just one. You can enjoy the best of both worlds if you have the chance!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which city is more expensive to live in, Dubai or Singapore?

Both cities are known for their high cost of living, but Singapore tends to be more expensive overall, especially when it comes to housing and daily expenses.

Is it easier to start a business in Dubai or Singapore?

Singapore is often considered more business-friendly due to its transparent regulations and ease of doing business. Dubai, however, offers tax-free benefits that can be very attractive.

Which city has better public transportation?

Singapore is known for its efficient and extensive public transportation system, making it easier to get around the city compared to Dubai.

What is the climate like in Dubai and Singapore?

Dubai has a desert climate with extremely hot summers and mild winters. Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate, which means it is warm and humid year-round.

Are there good healthcare systems in both cities?

Yes, both Dubai and Singapore have excellent healthcare systems with modern facilities and high standards of care.

Is it safe to live in Dubai or Singapore?

Both cities are considered very safe for residents and visitors, with low crime rates and a strong sense of security.

Curtis Duggan

Curtis Duggan

Curtis is a serial tech entrepreneur, content creator and the host of the Remotely Serious podcast on the future of remote work and digital nomadism.


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